Keyhole Garden: Is it the key to farming in a drought?

I was reading an article last night called “Keyhole Gardening, Unlocking the Secrets of Drought-Hardy Gardens” in my Texas Co-Op Power Magazine.  It is a “free” magazine we get monthly from our electric company.  The article talks about a different kind of raised bed that works well for our terribly drought ridden area.  It was first developed by a humanitarian aid organization in southern Africa.  Deb Tolman, who is the focus of the article, lives in Texas and teaches others how to make and use these gardens.  She lives off of hers throughout the year.

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I am really intrigued by the design.  It is the first time in a couple years that I have even considered doing a vegetable garden.  We have an empty spot in our yard just waiting for one but with a third of the year being literally over 100 degrees and little to no rain it has been unfathomable…until now.  I would love to have fresh produce and the experience of growing it with my kids.

For those of you who are interested in gardening and composting it is definitely worth checking out.  It looks very cost effective and would be great even for places that have better weather.

For more details you can read the article here.

You can visit Deb Tolman’s website here to learn even more.

Keyhole Garden: Is it the key to farming in a drought? Read More »